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BIO_s_bio(3)                 OpenSSL                 BIO_s_bio(3)

       BIO_s_bio, BIO_make_bio_pair, BIO_destroy_bio_pair,
       BIO_shutdown_wr, BIO_set_write_buf_size,
       BIO_get_write_buf_size, BIO_new_bio_pair,
       BIO_get_write_guarantee, BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee,
       BIO_get_read_request, BIO_ctrl_get_read_request,
       BIO_ctrl_reset_read_request - BIO pair BIO


        BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_bio(void);

        #define BIO_make_bio_pair(b1,b2)   (int)BIO_ctrl(b1,BIO_C_MAKE_BIO_PAIR,0,b2)
        #define BIO_destroy_bio_pair(b)    (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_DESTROY_BIO_PAIR,0,NULL)

        #define BIO_shutdown_wr(b) (int)BIO_ctrl(b, BIO_C_SHUTDOWN_WR, 0, NULL)

        #define BIO_set_write_buf_size(b,size) (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_WRITE_BUF_SIZE,size,NULL)
        #define BIO_get_write_buf_size(b,size) (size_t)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_WRITE_BUF_SIZE,size,NULL)

        int BIO_new_bio_pair(BIO **bio1, size_t writebuf1, BIO **bio2, size_t writebuf2);

        #define BIO_get_write_guarantee(b) (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_WRITE_GUARANTEE,0,NULL)
        size_t BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee(BIO *b);

        #define BIO_get_read_request(b)    (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_READ_REQUEST,0,NULL)
        size_t BIO_ctrl_get_read_request(BIO *b);

        int BIO_ctrl_reset_read_request(BIO *b);

       BIO_s_bio() returns the method for a BIO pair. A BIO pair
       is a pair of source/sink BIOs where data written to either
       half of the pair is buffered and can be read from the
       other half. Both halves must usually by handled by the
       same application thread since no locking is done on the
       internal data structures.

       Since BIO chains typically end in a source/sink BIO it is
       possible to make this one half of a BIO pair and have all
       the data processed by the chain under application control.

       One typical use of BIO pairs is to place TLS/SSL I/O under
       application control, this can be used when the application
       wishes to use a non standard transport for TLS/SSL or the
       normal socket routines are inappropriate.

       Calls to BIO_read() will read data from the buffer or
       request a retry if no data is available.

       Calls to BIO_write() will place data in the buffer or
       request a retry if the buffer is full.

       The standard calls BIO_ctrl_pending() and BIO_ctrl_wpend-
       ing() can be used to determine the amount of pending data
       in the read or write buffer.

       BIO_reset() clears any data in the write buffer.

       BIO_make_bio_pair() joins two separate BIOs into a
       connected pair.

       BIO_destroy_pair() destroys the association between two
       connected BIOs. Freeing up any half of the pair will auto-
       matically destroy the association.

       BIO_shutdown_wr() is used to close down a BIO b. After
       this call no further writes on BIO b are allowed (they
       will return an error). Reads on the other half of the pair
       will return any pending data or EOF when all pending data
       has been read.

       BIO_set_write_buf_size() sets the write buffer size of BIO
       b to size.  If the size is not initialized a default value
       is used. This is currently 17K, sufficient for a maximum
       size TLS record.

       BIO_get_write_buf_size() returns the size of the write

       BIO_new_bio_pair() combines the calls to BIO_new(),
       BIO_make_bio_pair() and BIO_set_write_buf_size() to create
       a connected pair of BIOs bio1, bio2 with write buffer
       sizes writebuf1 and writebuf2. If either size is zero then
       the default size is used.  BIO_new_bio_pair() does not
       check whether bio1 or bio2 do point to some other BIO, the
       values are overwritten, BIO_free() is not called.

       BIO_get_write_guarantee() and BIO_ctrl_get_write_guaran-
       tee() return the maximum length of data that can be cur-
       rently written to the BIO. Writes larger than this value
       will return a value from BIO_write() less than the amount
       requested or if the buffer is full request a retry.
       BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee() is a function whereas
       BIO_get_write_guarantee() is a macro.

       BIO_get_read_request() and BIO_ctrl_get_read_request()
       return the amount of data requested, or the buffer size if
       it is less, if the last read attempt at the other half of
       the BIO pair failed due to an empty buffer.  This can be
       used to determine how much data should be written to the
       BIO so the next read will succeed: this is most useful in
       TLS/SSL applications where the amount of data read is usu-
       ally meaningful rather than just a buffer size. After a
       successful read this call will return zero.  It also will
       return zero once new data has been written satisfying the
       read request or part of it.  Note that
       BIO_get_read_request() never returns an amount larger than
       that returned by BIO_get_write_guarantee().

       BIO_ctrl_reset_read_request() can also be used to reset
       the value returned by BIO_get_read_request() to zero.

       Both halves of a BIO pair should be freed. That is even if
       one half is implicit freed due to a BIO_free_all() or
       SSL_free() call the other half needs to be freed.

       When used in bidirectional applications (such as TLS/SSL)
       care should be taken to flush any data in the write
       buffer. This can be done by calling BIO_pending() on the
       other half of the pair and, if any data is pending, read-
       ing it and sending it to the underlying transport. This
       must be done before any normal processing (such as calling
       select() ) due to a request and BIO_should_read() being

       To see why this is important consider a case where a
       request is sent using BIO_write() and a response read with
       BIO_read(), this can occur during an TLS/SSL handshake for
       example. BIO_write() will succeed and place data in the
       write buffer. BIO_read() will initially fail and
       BIO_should_read() will be true. If the application then
       waits for data to be available on the underlying transport
       before flushing the write buffer it will never succeed
       because the request was never sent!

       BIO_new_bio_pair() returns 1 on success, with the new BIOs
       available in bio1 and bio2, or 0 on failure, with NULL
       pointers stored into the locations for bio1 and bio2.
       Check the error stack for more information.

       [XXXXX: More return values need to be added here]

       The BIO pair can be used to have full control over the
       network access of an application. The application can call
       select() on the socket as required without having to go
       through the SSL-interface.

        BIO *internal_bio, *network_bio;
        BIO_new_bio_pair(internal_bio, 0, network_bio, 0);
        SSL_set_bio(ssl, internal_bio, internal_bio);

        application |   TLS-engine
           |        |
           +----------> SSL_operations()
                    |     /\    ||
                    |     ||    \/
                    |   BIO-pair (internal_bio)
           +----------BIO_ctrl_pending(), to find out whether data is
       buffered in the BIO and must be transfered to the network.
       Use BIO_ctrl_get_read_request() to find out, how many
       bytes must be written into the buffer before the SSL_oper-
       ation() can successfully be continued.

       As the data is buffered, SSL_operation() may return with a
       ERROR_SSL_WANT_READ condition, but there is still data in
       the write buffer. An application must not rely on the
       error value of SSL_operation() but must assure that the
       write buffer is always flushed first. Otherwise a deadlock
       may occur as the peer might be waiting for the data before
       being able to continue.

       SSL_set_bio(3), ssl(3), bio(3), BIO_should_retry(3),

0.9.7c                      2002-12-12               BIO_s_bio(3)

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Created with the man page lookup class by Andrew Collington,

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